APC-led FG will not micromanage judiciary - APC

During the time of Ex-president Goodluck Jonathan, APC under their media publicity secretary    Liar Muhamad told Nigerians that the economy of the country is down and very poor.

 However, this assertion was proven wrong by then, the minister of finance and conducting minister of the economy – Mrs Ngozi ……. And we believed her based on the empirical evidence.  All the democratic institutions were working and the party APC was shouting wolfs where there were no wolfs. APC was making strenuous effort to bring down the Government of Good-luck  Jonathan, which APC did by deception. Now that administration is much better than 113 days of APC led federal government, hardship everywhere and people are being sacked; adding to unemployment and if this situation continue…. I do not want to be a prophet of doom, but which way Nigeria, What does the future hold for us?

At the eve of the electioneering campaign, APC unfold their manifesto to Nigerians which were very fantastic. In this manifesto a lots were promised to us and we were eager to vote in the political party called APC based on the promises made which indeed will bring the needed change we want. Some of the promises made were:

1                      N5,000 to unemployed youths in Nigeria

2                      Creation of employment or Jobs

3                      One Naria to one USD (N1 to 1 USD)

4                      Chibok Girls would be released in two weeks

5                      E.T.C

In fact, we will hit the ground running as soon as we take over the leadership of the country – the Aso Rock Villa. Nigerians were very happy because they needed change, and expected APC to have planned well on how to hit the ground running and build on what the former administration had done. But, what an irony of promises of APC! Since May 29, 2015 that APC took over, we have seen the worst economy ever in Nigeria history:

N5,000 to unemployed youths in Nigeria - is a dream that will never be realized, in fact  president Buhari said he wasn’t  the one that wrote it but it was signed by him.

Creation of employment or Jobs –   0% remain to be seen

One Naria to one USD (N1 to 1 USD)  -  (N1 to 226 USD) promise failed .

Chibok Girls would be released in two weeks –   No where to be found – fake and deceptive to the entire world.

It pains my heart that until now no minister has been appointed and September is about to end for which president Buhari promised that ministers would be appointed before, during or by end of this month. But, my question is; why is there so much silence in the land? No one is talking, we are dying in silence!

Dear reader I am please to inform you that I will be writing an article on 55th independence of Nigeria. I will shock you with the true state of Nigeria, please follow, share and like this page!